MHS Visualizer

MHS Visualizer is SPC focused on the essentials!


Low administrative effort and clear user interface.


Measured value transfer via various interfaces (RS232, USB, etc.).


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Depending on customer requirements, special measuring equipment can also be integrated (coordinate measuring machines and other measuring systems).

Function overview MHS Visualizer software

The standard version of the software includes the following highlights:

Test and order planning

simple and flexible.

Measurement reports

quick creation.


of all types of hand-held measuring equipment.

Data transfer

directly from the coordinate measuring system.

Measuring system analysis

MSA according to procedures 1-3.


of XML files as well as CSV and QS Stat import.


Graphical visualisation of dynamically recorded measurement files.

Test sequence design

ndustry-specific e.g., mould cavity tracking for injection moulding etc.

Multiple languages

German, English, Italian as standard, others configurable.

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